Hi fans and avid book readers!
Thank you for your views! Thank you for support! We've been getting more traffic thanks to your Word of Mouth Media endorsements. Please keep up the sharing from afar while we practice social distance!
Anyhow, without further ado... THE BIG DAY IS HERE! After months and months of crafting and editing, Two Things That Make Us Whole is ready to be read on Amazon Kindle! You will undoubtedly love the story, the read, the untimely bursts of humor, the fear, the love, the pain. And men, this isn't your Grandma's when-she-met-Grandpa at the cafe story. Two Things That Make Us Whole is new age romance novel captured at a pure J.J. Coby angle one that warms the heart, yes, but also ignites the soul and implores the conscience. All you have to be is human to be touched by it.
So please go out and own your own copy today! And when you've read up the very last words, please don't forget to honor me with your candid review on Amazon --because, as an author, I live and breathe to provide you moments of escapism, and bring you moments of absolute joy wrapped in a well-paced manuscript.
For those who've been with me on this journey from the beginning, and those just joining this journey now, I thought you might enjoy an exclusive view of the published print book cover! Available on Amazon midnight on 6-23-20! Be the first to own a paperback copy! Again, from the bottom of my heart, the humblest thank you. It's your help and support that will lead Two Things That Make Us Whole to a best seller.
Link to book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Two-Things-That-Make-Whole/dp/B08CWJ4RZT/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1596355510&sr=8-2